From the moment we found out we were pregnant with twins this journey has been filled with challenges.
Weekly hospital visits (a couple of overnight stays), a scary in utero diagnosis, being able to barely walk without extreme discomfort, sciatica, sleepless nights, a brutal postpartum PUPPS rash, more sleepless nights, mastitis twice, and the list goes on and on... all while in quarantine with a 3 year old.
For me, after many months of modified bed rest (I honestly struggled just to walk to the bathroom), postpartum was a journey back to myself. Not necessarily my old self, because EVERYTHING had changed (hello herniated belly button, loose skin, stretch marks and two newborn babies).
When I finally regained some strength, I started focusing on moving my body 5 minutes everyday, then 10, then 15, and so on, up until the point a few months postpartum I could complete an entire 30 minute LEANSQUAD workout and I was so proud of myself.
My number one advice for women, especially postpartum, is to just start and start slowly. Sometimes it starts just by putting on your running shoes, sometimes it starts with just one sit up. I think a lot of women put off starting because they feel that they’re so far behind, but everyone’s on their own journey and you have to always be kind to yourself and remember that you are not alone 💕.
I could never have gotten through this past year without LEANSQUAD's program. Thank you for your unwavering support and motivation 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️.